A whistleblower is someone who wants to report ( presumed) irregularities about his organisation to authorities that can take action on it.
These irregularities concern breaches of the law. These may include criminal acts, fraud, corruption, breaches of environmental protection, safety, protection of personal data, working conditions, etc.
Konings has set up an internal hotline for this purpose
The hotline is open for anyone who wants to report a problem, such as employees, members, volunteers, suppliers, customers, ...
When you make a complaint, your identity will not be disclosed unless you give permission. You will enjoy protection against possible adverse consequences related to your complaint.
Unless you wish to remain anonymous, the person reporting a problem will receive confirmation of receipt within seven days maximum.
The complaint is followed by an internal investigation and additional information may be requested. Within 3 months of the complaint, the reporter will receive feedback on the follow-up of the complaint.
A complaint through the internal reporting channel is possible via the form below or via the website (see whistleblowers' hotline).
You can send a complaint either autonymously (you leave your details) or anonymously